Welcome to the Perfect Universe

When I say it’s you I like, I’m talking about that part of you that knows that life is far more than anything you can ever see, or hear, or touch. That deep part of you, that allows you to stand for those things, without which humankind cannot survive. Love that conquers hate. Peace that rises triumphant over war. And justice that proves more powerful than greed.

Fred Rogers

We’re happy to welcome you to the Perfect Universe. I hope you love it as much as we love creating it.

In the perfect universe people are happy. Hesse said that a person who knows how to love is happy. Ohso says “Love is rare.” Took me a while to understand. Love is rare due to fear prevailing. For many moons I have been on the trail of love and truth as I was getting closer to the present with the assistance of many brilliant women and men. Along the way I have collected many thoughts that resonated with me. I extract them from my extensive reading, many come from New York Times obits, get some from old movies, and overhearing people talking. The idea being to be as present and awake as possible.

Ouspensky said necessary to realize you are sleeping in order to awaken. Most people don’t realize they are sleeping. I didn’t. I was a slow learner. Quite a while before I understood what was meant by sleepwalking – not being present, living subconsciously in the ego, as described by Tolle as being pathological and having a mind and emotions of its own.       

“Our thoughts are mainly controlled by our subconscious, which is largely formed by the age of 6, and you cannot change the subconscious mind by just thinking about it. Most illness is just stress from not living in harmony.”

Bruce J. Lipton “The Biology of Belief.”

When I realized I was being driven by my ego formed at 6, made me try to explore my inner world and unlock the secrets of my soul.

“The only thing of value in a man is the soul.” Intinilik, Utkahikjuling, Eskimo

“When people welcome back their soul, their vitality and their original essence, light and power and their desire for true love and joy return.” Sandra Ingerman “Soul Retrieval”

“Every aspiration to install soul into life is outlawed by the powers to be.” Herman Hesse

“Soul development should take preference over all things.” Edgar Cayce “On Atlantis”

“The soul is a reflection of Spirit.” Yogananda

“We identify with the ego. The ego is a mind warp, and most people don’t identify with their soul.”  Ram Dass

 Soul. What is a soul? I didn’t know. I was blind. Certainly didn’t know that soul was the most important part of man/woman. “The soul needs love to live.” Ohso. Hence the soul languishes undiscovered in our subconscious waiting to be loved. Aha

We are not born with guarantees that we will have strong souls. No, we must work on our souls, enlarging and expanding them. We do so by experiencing all of life—the beauty and the joy as well as the grief and pain. Soul work requires paying attention to life, to the laughter and the sorrow, the enlightening and the frightening, the inspiring and the silly. It’s been said that ‘God delights to watch the soul grow.’ Perhaps we were put here to expand our souls through the experience of life.

Matthew Fox “Handbook for the Soul”